Option to remove few admins from the Helpdesk
Ashita Khandelwal
May 14, 2021

In a larger Event format, organizer have multiple admins to work around the Event and sometimes the management as well is a part of Admin (as he requires to be at the backstage.)

Due to so many admins, the users queries do not reach to right support person who can respond to them on priority as users tends to send their queries randomly to any of the admin.

We can have option to remove other admins rather can have only few who can genuinely utilize this space.

Aman Jain
Jul 13, 2021
Set the status to
Aman Jain
Jul 13, 2021

Live in 4.0.2(beta)

Mayank Chowdhary
Jun 17, 2021
Set the status to
Marc Gordon
Jun 10, 2021

we encourage clients not to use the support/helpdesk area as admins dont hang around in their booths. Its not clear to users what they should do when they get there, who to try and reach out to, some basic changes would improve the look and feel and user experience massively.
1 - Ability to Turn of the booths/messages where admins are not available for support or contact
2 - Have a customisable message board or sign that allows a simple instruction of which admin support are available and how to message them
3 - Make the message button more prominent rather than the booth entry button, in fact scrap the admin booth all together and simply promote a message system for admins or a use a lounge type table system for folks to grab a seat

I cant recall a time I ever sat in my admin booth, and I never promote the use of them. its the one area of the platform that has never improved or changed since its inception last year, it needs an overhaul

Hitesh Kumar
Jun 4, 2021

yes this could be a useful feature , we can probably add a select mark option in front of admins listing to provide helpdesk availability or restrict that

Piyush Verma
Jun 4, 2021

yes a lot of org have asked for the same also we should have option for a seprate floor support 50% queries we receive are related to event and not floor this confuses the users