Lead Score & User Journey
Oct 11, 2021
Provide a lead score to each attendee based on activity.
this score could start pre-event
a. opened email
b. shared/social media -
during event:
a. attended session
b. asked question
c. networking
d. went to booth
scoring would be valuable from analytics point of view for the organiser (or another way to clearly depict clearly highly engaged users.
Its partly completed.
If possible, we should:
a. map all actions and give org ability to assign points to those actions.
b. show users a point table
a. Like - 5 points
b. connect - 5 points
c. visit booth - 5 points
d. share contact - 5 points
e. meet a sponsor - 10 points
f. share on social media - 10 points
g. photo booth - 10 points
h. etc
see comment