We noticed that functions like waiting room and intro video was essential for all booths. This was earlier given only with premium booths and not in basic booths. In order to ensure best possible user experience, we have made these two features standard and available with all booths.
However, we understand some organisers still might want to sell basic and premium booths separately. So we are looking at what additional solutions are possible.
What is currently possible:
a. Additional Rooms (or sales table)
All booths get a one central board table. You can now allow multiple private conversations inside a booth, with extra rooms / table facility.
Organiser, can choose to give these extra tables only to premium booths and also control number of additional tables that can be opened inside a booth.
b. Mark booth as premium
Currently, to mark a booth a premium, ensure you give them an extra table option. The booth would automatically be marked as premium and given a star mark.
We have a multiple developments in the pipeline to give more premium features in booths, that would allow an organiser to charge differential rates. Stay tuned for new updates